Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Report on flexible working hours free essay sample

Flexible working hours is very important on perspective of employers and employees in Malaysia. Companies that offer flexible working schedules are the key to luring professional women back into the workforce. Flexible work arrangements was a tried and true strategy used by advanced economies and offered a work-life balance that was becoming essential in attracting and retaining employees, especially mothers who wanted more time with their family. [The Star Online, July 2013] A system of flexible working hours gives employees some choice over the actual times they work their contracted hours. Such a system can be a good way of recruiting and retaining the staff. This system provides an opportunity for employees to work hours consistent with their other commitments. Flexibility in the organization is also recognized as a valuable tool in achieving greater business productivity. This approach supports work life balance, a concept providing the flexibility necessary for employees to manage the balance between what needs to be achieved at work and their personal commitment outside the organization. We will write a custom essay sample on Report on flexible working hours or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page This research is substantial in getting the information of the advantages, disadvantages and ways to implement flexible working hours practices. Achieving a work life balance between the needs of home and work is a win for the employee and the employer. Flexible working hours management is important to increase productivity and objective of the organization in Malaysia. At the end of the research, Recommendations could be made for companies to decide to implement flexible working hour in their organization. 1. 2 STATEMENT OF PROBLEM: Most of employees want the flexibility of working hour to have a balance between work and their other responsibilities and lifestyle. For examples, parents may want to spend more time with their family, study part-time to gain qualifications or to attend cultural and sporting events and commitments. But there are have several problem or issues of flexible working hours, it is time and cost. For employment problems that are poorly handled can be time consuming and costly. Showing good faith in all negotiations with your employees is a critical element in handling problems. For employee problems, time management also can be the main problem in flexible working hours, for example scheduling meetings for when you are in the office, may cause difficulties with other staff who feel their time is being arranged around your needs. Other than that, communication can be challenging. Mobile phones, teleconferencing or videoconferencing may not always work or always be suitable. Working part time may result in missing team meetings or informal communications. The purpose of the research is to get the result either flexible working hour are suitable or relevant to use in Malaysia or not. The respondents of the research will be employee and employer from several private companies. Respondents will also be from government department. 1. 3 PURPOSE: 1. To analyze the advantages from employer employee perspective on flexible working hours 2. To identify the disadvantages for employer employee on flexible working hours implementation. 3. To recommend the suggestion on how to implement the flexible working hours in the organization. 1. 4RESEARCH QUESTIONS: 1. What is the advantage of flexible working hours? 2. What is the disadvantage of flexible working hours? 3. How to implement flexible working hours in the organization? 1. 5SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY: This study focuses on employer, employee and focus for employee in the organization. Flexible working seems to be more beneficial for health and wellbeing where the individuals control their own work patterns, rather than where employers are in control. This research will show positive relationships were found when comparing those who work flexibly with other employees. Flexible workers were found to have higher levels of organizational commitment, and in some cases they also had higher levels of job satisfaction. In addition, the availability of flexible working was a key competitive strategy within the labor market. Majority of employers dont mind when workers start their days later, they in turn expect flexibility from their employees to work outside of normal business hours, even as they wind down for the night. Employer can initiate the flexible working hours consists of part time, overtime, long term leaves, job sharing, flextime and shift work. Employer cant reduce the overload of tasks, but flexible schedules make it a bit more manageable. The organization should understand these psychological processes if they want to be successful in leading the staff towards achieving the organizational objectives. 1. 6 SCOPE AND LIMITATIONS: This study will relate the relationship between flexible working hours schedule and employee motivation. It will also take into the perspective from both employer and employee regarding the advantage and disadvantage on implementation of flexible working hours. The target subjects for this study are employer and employee in the organization area and the finding of the study can be useful for all parties including government to implement the flexible working hours. This research will show the impact direct and indirect towards the employee performance such as job satisfaction and quality of work together with individual performance such as work-life balance. Respondent of this research were employee and employer working in different organization and industry. Several limitations will occur such as time constraint, lack of cooperation and different opinion from the younger and the senior employee. 1. 7 METHODOLOGY: In this study, the first step is distributing the questionnaire to our respondent that designed to define the domain of construct and consider the information to be included in the survey, what should be excluded from the survey and what information should be best obtained. Questionnaires were sent to participants by direct visit. In order to reach the target population represented in this study, the researcher compiled a contact list with names and designations. The researcher used these contact details as references for data collection and strategies to increase the response rate. We distributed the questionnaires and allowed some time for respondents to provide feedbacks. Questionnaires were collected immediately once completed. Other method we will use is interview session. This method will get direct respond and opinion from our respondent. We will interview and ask a question regarding advantage and disadvantage from employee and employer view if the flexible hour is implementing. This activity was repeated in a period of two weeks. We also obtained secondary data from a number of literature reviews. 2. 0 LITERATURE REVIEW OF FLEXIBLE WORKING HOURS 2. 1 Advantages of Flexible Working Hours A study by Dr Woody (2013) found current economic condition makes working parents face a tough responsibility on balancing work and family. Tough schedule to meets end result for family being scramble due to high jobless people, lower income and struggle educational system. Therefore, flexible working arrangement is become popular among parents and employer that include flexible work hours, part-time job and telecommuting. Dr Woody (2013) has found a survey from FlexJobs indicates some respondent difficult to balance their work and 81% can be a smart employee and parents. In addition to the survey, 89% agree to choose flexibility as important criteria to find next job rather than competitive that only 50%. Economist Intelligence Unit (2012, as cited in Dr Woody, 2013) ranked U. S. in 17th place for education in the world. Refer to the ranking, parent should be more involve in their children life which is majority (96%) of parents face the conflict with their responsibilities since they are full-time employee. There are difficult to find best alternative for child when their parents work and makes parents employee request to find flexible working that can benefit both employee and employer. On the survey also found parents need to care for their children when sick and miss their work. To enhance productivity and worker availability, employer needs a flexible schedule which is responds by 67% respondent and 84% respondent will have more less pack schedule when they miss a fewer day of work. Sara (2013, as cited in Dr Woody, 2013) states to increasing the quality time with children and organized activities, they need a flexible working schedule since they are not raising their children only but to improve the workforce for better economic in country. According to Amanda McGroy-Dixon (2012), to manage work-life balance, the employees often battle with it and any mistakes involve will lead to cause low of productivity. Sladek (n. d, as cited in Amanda, 2012) argues all of this struggling can be manage if the employers can take the flexible working hour as a consideration. Either need to send their children to school or need to take care of the parents. Each of employees has different type of reasons and demands to having flexible working arrangements that allows them to manage those challenges and at the same time to complete their responsibilities as a worker. Sladek (n. d, as cited in Amanda, 2012) states everybody has parts in their lives that they are trying to manage, so that they have control in their work-life balance. The flexible working arrangements are also attractive to employers because it can reduce the cost options for instance the medical insurance for the employees. The employers can offer flexible working arrangements as another benefit without much of cost impact. On the other hand, indicates in some cases, some employees prefer normal working hours and make the flexible working hours is as other options for the urgent and important occasions and not make it as a consistent basis. According to Sladek (n. d, as cited in Amanda, 2012) surveys group of employees who are in flexible working hours they have much more control in their lives and most of them are higher rates in satisfaction and engagement scores. On top of that, it improves morale and based on the past, the flexible working arrangements giving benefits for both employer and employee and expects it will be continue to grow in popularity. 2. 2 Disadvantages of Flexible Working Hours According to Miranda Brooking, Demand Media, workers nowadays more interested to flexible work that give them to balance their home and work live using a schedule they want. She adds that may workers and business person should more understand the disadvantages in some cases. Miranda Brooking, Demand Media state that there are few types of negative impact or disadvantages of flexible work among workers. Risk burnout, adding by her that means it reduces productivity in the workplace, bad attitude among co-workers and interferes with their responsibility of their job duty. Limited child care will be one of the disadvantages for flexible work state by Miranda Brooking, Demand Media. It is proving when some of workers that don’t have experience in schedules may have problem of child care that can give bad impact like being late to work. According to Lisa Mooney (2013), it is essential that a company thinks thing through before start implementing a flexible working schedule. Business owners need to recognize that flexible work arrangement is not always appropriate for all employees. The downside to flexible schedule is that the manager’s responsibility for time planning management is more pressing. This will leave manager in exceedingly difficult situation. On other hand, those employees who cannot participate in flexible time schedule can become dissatisfied. Their productivity will eventually do down. Employer’s flexibility in and out of the business at such different hours will increase company’s overhead cost and other related expenses. 2. 3 Implementation of Flexible Working Hours The implementation of flexible working hours schedule allows employee to perform duties in a comfortable, peaceful and less stress condition that can motivate staff motivation level. Flexible working hours system enables the employee to balance their obligation at work and family matters at home. According conducted research, it is clearly indicated that this system may give positive impact to married employees. This can proved from Smith (1993) which working women should have a balance between duties in the office and her obligation towards the family especially on safety issue, health and her children’s need for food. Furthermore, the implementation of flexible working hour schedule the obligation towards children safety and early education are more secured and both responsibilities at work and home can be streamlined. From another point of view, this system also improves the employee’s motivation level (Fynes at al. , 1998). The Federal Government should monitor this system implementation to ensure the effectiveness of this policy. Apart from that, the government needs to form a special committee to study the effectiveness of Flexible Working Hours implementation throughout the Federal Government agencies in the nation and ensure this system will improve their effectiveness. 3. 0FINDINGS PERSONAL BACKGROUND 3. 0. 1Respondents’ Age Figure 3. 0. 1 The Figure 3. 0. 1 shows the range of age among respondents. The highest range of age comprises 19 of respondent between the ages of 20 to 25 years meanwhile the lowest range of age is less than above 35 years comprises of only 7 of respondent. 3. 0. 2Respondents’ Gender Figure 3. 0. 2 The pie chart in Figure 3. 0. 2 shows the respondents’ gender. There are 32 female respondents and only 18 male respondents. 3. 0. 3Respondents’ Working Sector Figure 3. 0. 3 The bar chart in Figure 3. 0. 3 portrays the respondents’ working sector in private and public sector. It illustrates that 42 respondents’ of employees working in private sector meanwhile 8 respondents’ of employees working in public sector. 3. 0. 4 Respondents Position Figure 3. 0. 4 The pie chart in Figure 3. 0. 4 portrays the respondents’ working sector in private and public sector. It illustrates that 30 respondents’ of non-executive positions. Meanwhile 20 respondent of 20 executive positions. 3. 0. 5Respondents’ Year of Service Figure 3. 0. 5 The Figure 3. 0. 5 shows the range of year employees working in the company. The higher range respondent’ years of service shows 33 of respondent worked between under 5 years. It followed by 9 of respondent with less 10 years of service, and 8 of respondent with more than 10 years of services. 3. 0. 6Respondents’ Marital Status Figure 3. 0. 6 The bar chart in Figure 3. 0. 6 highlights the marital status of respondents. The highest number of respondent are single 26 respondent meanwhile 24 employees are married. FINDINGS OF ADVANTAGES FLEXIBLE WORKING HOURS 3. 1 Advantages of Flexible Working Hours. 3. 1. 1 What makes employee want to implement flexible working hours? Figure 3. 1. 1 The pie chart in Figure 3. 1. 1 , Highlights what makes employee want to implement the flexible working hours. Based on the bar chart provided and answer given by the respondents, majority agreed on what has been mentioned in the questionnaire. The employees want to reduce absenteeism, increase the job satisfaction and for their own personal obligations. The result was almost 40% equal to 20 people of respondents agreed all mentioned above are what the employees want compared to the lowest respond of 5 people respondents for reduce absenteeism. This question given to the respondents was basically straightforward and easy for them to respond. 3. 1. 2 Do you think flexible working hours will increase employee motivation? Figure 3. 1. 2 The bar chart in Figure 3. 1. 2 , Highlights about what the respondents point of views on their agreement either the flexible working hours will increase the employee motivation or not. It was found that only 1 respondent in 50 respondents not answer this question. It may because maybe he or she does not have any idea regarding the question given or unconditional answer. On the other hand, based on the findings above, almost 78% respondents agreed that flexible working hours will increase the employee motivation compared to only 10 people of respondents almost 20% who chose disagree with the statement. 3. 1. 3 Are you satisfied, if your company gives an option that allows you to have flexible working hours? Figure 3. 1. 3 The cylinder bar chart in Figure 3. 1. 3 shown that either the respondents satisfied or not if their company gives them an option to apply flexible working hours in the organization. Majority of the respondents are satisfied if their company comply with flexible working hours. Based on the bar chart above, the highest number of 42 people of respondents equal to 84% respondents are satisfied with the statement compared to only 16% equal to only 8 people of respondents that are not satisified. The dissatisfaction may due to of thought that with flexible working hours will jeopardize their fixed routine schedule. 3. 1. 4Do you agree that flexible working hours help you to improve your quality time with your family? Figure 3. 1. 4 The bar chart in Figure 3. 1. 4 illustrates that data from the respondents on the agreement of flexible working hours help them to improve their quality time with family. Based on the respond received, the respondents gave higher rates in agreement with 78% equal to 39 people of respondents chose ‘Yes’ as their answered compared to ‘No’ with only 11 people of respondents chose it. 3. 1. 5 For this decade and future undertaking, do you feel that flexible working hours is needed and convenience in order to work life balance? Figure 3. 1. 5 Refer to the above cone chart in Figure 3. 1. 5 shown that the highest respond from respondents almost 86% equal to 43 people of respondents out of 50 people chose ‘Yes’ instead of 7 people of respondents only chose ‘No’ for the question of in future undertaking, flexible working hours is needed and convenience in order to work life balance. Majority the respondents respond ‘Yes’. 3. 1. 6Do you agree that flexible working hours could help reduce stress among the workers? Figure 3. 1. 6 Based on doughnut chart above in Figure 3. 1. 6, illustrates that the question given to the respondents regarding the agreement of flexible working hours could help reduce stress among the workers, majority almost 80% of respondents equal to 40 people of respondents are agreed with the statement whereby almost 20% respondents equal to 10 people of respondents disagree with the statement. FINDINGS OF DISADVANTAGES FLEXIBLE WORKING HOURS 3. 2 Disadvantages of Flexible Working Hours. 3. 2. 1Do you agree that flexible working hours give more disadvantages instead of advantages? Figure 3. 2. 1 Doughnut Chart in Figure 3. 2. 1, prove that they agreed flexible working hours give more disadvantages instead of advantages. Based on the chart above and answer given by the respondents, majority disagreed on that flexible working hours has given advantages more than disadvantages. The result was almost 44% equal to 22 people of respondents disagreed with that above compared to the lowest respond of 4% equal to 2 people of respondent, follows with neutral, strongly disagree, strongly agree that showing 24% equal to 12 respondents, 18% equal to 9 respondents and 10% equal to 5 respondents respectively. 3. 2. 2Employer’s should make a special effort to accommodate the particular difficulties parents of young and disable children faced in balancing their work and family life. Figure 3. 2. 2 The pie chart in Figure 3. 2. 2, illustrates the respondents of employer’s should make a special effort to accommodate the particular difficulties parents of young and disable children faced in balancing their work and family life. The highest percentage of respondents, which 42% that agree about this while the lowest percentage of respondents, which is 6% of respondents disagree. 3. 2. 3People work best when they can balance their work and home lives in the way they want. Figure 3. 2. 3 The doughnut chart in Figure 3. 2. 3 highlights People work best when they can balance their work and home lives in the way they want. 22 respondents agree and 2 respondents neutral about above survey. 3. 2. 4In order to distribute of flexible working hours, special communications efforts and meetings may be necessary to keep all employees feeling like a valuable part of the team. Figure 3. 2. 4 The bar chart in Figure 3. 2. 4 state that in order to distribute of flexible working hours, special communications efforts and meetings may be necessary to keep all employees feeling like a valuable part of the team rating of respondents. The highest number of respondents, which is 24 agree about above. Meanwhile, 1 respondent disagree that special communications efforts and meetings may be necessary to keep all employees feeling like a valuable part of the team. 3. 2. 5Personal responsibility traits are a factor in deciding whether an employee should be eligible for flexible working hours. Figure 3. 2. 5 The pie chart in Figure 3. 2. 5 illustrates the respondents of personal responsibility traits are a factor in deciding whether an employee should be eligible for flexible working hours. The highest numbers of result above show 21 respondents that agree while the lowest number is 5 respondents that strongly disagree and strongly agree. 3. 2. 6Please choose the most disadvantages of flexible working hours among employees. Figure 3. 2. 6 The 3-D cylinder chart in Figure 3. 2. 6 portrays the respondents of choosing the most disadvantages of flexible working hours among employees. It has similar result of the highest respondents, 16 for virtual communication and availability concerns. The lowest results that show 9 respondents for both limited child care and risk of burnout. 3. 2. 7The most disadvantages among employers: Figure 3. 2. 7 The bar chart in Figure 3. 2. 7 highlights the most disadvantages among employers. The highest number of respondents, which is 17 state work flow interruption. Mean while, 8 respondents state for costly. 3. 2. 8Flexible working hours give disadvantages most to: Figure 3. 2. 8 The pie chart in figure 3. 2. 8 shows that employers most impact of disadvantages flexible working hours which is 34 respondents and 16 respondents of employees think that flexible working hours gives most disadvantages to them. FINDING ONSUGGESTION OF IMPLEMENTATION FLEXIBLE WORKING HOURS 3. 3 Suggestion of implementation on Flexible Working Hours 3. 3. 1Respondents Would Choose to Have Flexible Working Hours Figure 3. 3. 1 The doughnut chart in Figure 3. 3. 1 illustrates the suggestion from respondents about to have flexible working hours. It shows 43 of respondents choose to have flexible working hours, meanwhile 7 respondents choose no for flexible working hours. 3. 3. 2Respondents Types of Flexible Working Hours if Company Want to Implement these Methods Figure 3. 3. 2 The 3-D cylinder chart in Figure 3. 3. 2 highlights the statement of respondents’ for which types of flexible working hours would to choose if company want to implement these methods. It shows that most of respondents choose the flexible working hours. It has 34 respondents. Secondly in staggered working hours has 14 respondents, meanwhile just 2 respondents choose for shift working hours. 3. 3. 3Respondent for Integrity is the main part of in implementing flexible working hours, for flexible working hour would affect the production and services of the organization, and also for all organization/ company, government/ private sector should implement flexible working hours. Figure 3. 3. 3 The line chart in figure 3. 3. 3 shows the blue line numbers of respondents think that integrity is the main part of in implementing flexible working hours. 26 of respondents agree with the statement while only 2 of respondents is strongly disagree with the statement. For the red line show that respondent for flexible working hours would affect the production and service of the organization. 23 of respondents agree with the statement while only 3 of respondents are strongly disagree with the statement. Meanwhile for the green line it shows that all organization / company, government/private sector should implement flexible working hours. 28 of respondents agree with the statement while only 3 of respondents are strongly disagree with the statement. 4. 0 CONCLUSION: 4. 1PERSONAL BACKGROUND 4. 1. 1Respondents’ age It can be summarized that a majority of the respondents are between 20-25 years old. 4. 1. 2Respondent’s gender It can be concluded that most of the respondents are females. 4. 1. 3Respondents’ working sector It can be summarized that most of the respondents working on private sector. 4. 1. 4Respondents’ job positions It can be summarized that a majority of the respondents are working as non executive 4. 1. 5Respondents’ years of services It can be concluded that most of the respondents worked under 5 years. 4. 1. 6Respondents’ marital status It can be concluded that most of the respondents are single. 4. 2ADVANTAGE OF FLEXIBLE WORKING HOURS 4. 2. 1Respondents on What makes employee want to implement flexible working hours? It can be concluded that based on high percentage in the pie chart, the employees want to do their own personal matter and to increase their job satisfaction by implement the flexible working hours. The highest percentage in findings showed that the respondents chose want to achieve all of the factors that makes them want to implement the flexibility working hours. It can be concluded also there are lots of factors, reasons and demands that makes employee want to implement the flexible working hours. Example for some employees, shuffling children to school can cause them to be late while other employees have to look after older parents. 4. 2. 2Respondents on Do you think flexible working hours will increase employee motivation? It can be concluded that the flexible working hours will increase the employee motivation because as referred to the bar chart given, the highest percentage agreed that flexible working hours will increase the employee motivation to do the job done with efficient. This also can be conclude as win-win situation or reverse phycology between the employer and the employees for instance the employer gives flexibility schedule to the employees it will burst up the motivation level because an understanding between both party. Majority of the respondents are agreed with the statement. 4. 2. 3Respondents on Are you satisfied, if your company gives an option that allows you to have flexible working hours? It can be concluded that most of respondents are satisfied if the company gives an options to them to have flexible working hours because based on the higher responded from the respondents. This is might due to the flexibility to the respondents to manage their personal matter. 4. 2. 4Respondents on Do you agree that flexible working hours help you to improve your quality time with your family? It can be concluded that most of respondents are agreed that flexibility of working hours help them to improve their quality time with their family. Referred to bar chart as given, it shows higher percentage of respondents who are agreed with the statement. They are really want to improve their quality time with the family in order to avoid their children less of parents attention that can lead them to be vandalism or gangster and to manage their family to be a good person in future. 4. 2. 5 Respondents on For this decade and future undertaking, do you feel that flexible working hours is needed and convenience in order to work life balance? It can be concluded that most of respondents are convenience if the applying of flexible working hours are enforce in the organizations for this decade and future undertaking. In this new era nowadays, business are running mostly 24/7 in a week, most organizations are aiming for profit, therefore it will be convenience if the organizations can apply flexibility working hours in the company so that the workers can have some ample time to manage their own personal timing. 4. 2. 6Respondents on Do you agree that flexible working hours could help reduce stress among the workers? It can be concluded that majority respondents chose agreed on the flexible working hours could help to reduce stress; it may due to working in tight hours or schedule may force the employee cannot solve their personal matter or any other matter relating to working time, schedule or issue raise such as they can’t come to work on time on certain day due to accidents happen or car broke down. This will contribute to stress among them. 4. 3DISADVANTAGE OF FLEXIBLE WORKING HOURS 4. 3. 1Do you agree that flexible working hours give more disadvantages instead of advantages? We conclude that respondents disagree that flexible working hours give disadvantages instead of advantages. 4. 3. 2Employer’s should make a special effort to accommodate the particular difficulties parents of young and disable children faced in balancing their work and family life. We prove that most of respondents agree that Employer’s should make a special effort to accommodate the particular difficulties parents of young and disable children faced in balancing their work and family life. 4. 3. 3People work best when they can balance their work and home lives in the way they want. The conclusion is respondents do agree people work best when they can balance their work and home lives in the way they want. 4. 3. 4In order to distribute of flexible working hours, special communications efforts and meetings may be necessary to keep all employees feeling like a valuable part of the team. It is show that most of respondent agree In order to distribute of flexible working hours, special communications efforts and meetings may be necessary to keep all employees feeling like a valuable part of the team. 4. 3. 5Personal responsibility traits are a factor in deciding whether an employee should be eligible for flexible working hours. It is prove that respondent agree that personal responsibility traits are a factor in deciding whether an employee should be eligible for flexible working hours. 4. 3. 6Please choose the most disadvantages of flexible working hours among employees. It is state that respondent choose virtual communication and availability concerns the most disadvantages of flexible working hours among employees. 4. 3. 7The most disadvantages among employers: We conclude that the most disadvantages among employers is work flow interruption for flexible working hours. 4. 3. 8Flexible working hours give disadvantages most to: In conclusion flexible working hours give disadvantages most to employers because they will have few problems among their employees. 4. 4SUGGESTION ON IMPLEMENTATION OF FLEXIBLE WORKING HOURS 4. 4. 1Respondents Would Choose to Have Flexible Working Hours It can concluded that most of the respondent are agree to choose a flexible working hours because they want to balance their work life and home lives in the way they want if the company practiced the flexible working hours. 4. 4. 2Respondents Types of Flexible Working Hours if Company Want to Implement these Methods It can be summarized that majority of respondents choose to a flexible working hours because of many of them are married and have a child. They believe by implementing the flexible working hours, they can manage their personal life without interrupting working hours. 4. 4. 3Respondent for Integrity is the main part of in implementing flexible working hours It can be concluded that many of the respondent agree that integrity is the main part of in implementing flexible working hours. By implementing flexible working hours, they can complete the task given in timeframe set and increase the quality of the job. 4. 4. 4Respondent would affect the production and services of the organization It can be concluded that majority of respondent are agree that flexible working hours would affect the production and services of the organization because they believes it can increase the productivity and indirectly achieve the goals of the organization. 4. 4. 5Respondent should implement flexible working hours It can be summarized that most of the respondent agree that all sectors in Malaysia should practiced the fl

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